We are a yoga-minded culture. More than 36 million Americans practice yoga and its popularity continues to rise (over 87% in the past 5 years)! People are also turning to alternative medicine and holistic treatments more than ever before. And when it comes to pain management, education about pain killers and their catastrophic side effects have influenced Americans to get off the pills. Many change their diets, take walks more often…or pick up yoga.
With all this knowledge available, your clients want more from their physical therapy appointments. Here’s why you should invest in people and not equipment:
Your Staff is the Your Most Valuable Resource
Whether you’re a one-person show or you manage several employees, knowledge, skills, and interaction with clients is the difference between providing an average experience or an exceptional one. At the end of the day, clients need to connect with their physical therapists (PT’s) and trust they’re the experts who will help them heal.
During YogaMedics therapy, mood is elevated as certain hormones are released. Because YogaMedics therapy is clinically based and focuses on the mind and body, the combination of hormone-release and mental work creates a deeper connection between the client and PT. Once your PTs learn how to implement YogaMedics’ techniques, they can bond with their clients in a more personal way. Not only will clients appreciate this, but your clinic’s reputation will flourish. Remember: well-trained staff create better retention but it’s the emotional connection that will bring clients back. Every. Time.
Offer Clients Personalized Treatment Options
Of course, you want to offer clients treatment options that they want. After all, if you’re going to invest in training, you need to be confident that it’s a program that works and is in high demand.
Training your PTs in YogaMedics therapy will bring more diversity and customization to each client’s routine. YogaMedics therapy is highly individualized that provides measurable results. Unlike yoga class, which demands everyone do the same move at the same time, YogaMedics therapy uniquely addresses individual health concerns for long term healing. Educating your PT’s in YogaMedics therapy will enable them to further personalize their client’s treatment, making them feel better and heal faster.
YogaMedics Therapy Brings Communities Together
While you’re a physical therapist for many meaningful reasons, running your business is, well, business. Offering YogaMedics classes can be used as a marketing tool to connect with other companies and members of the community. It will likely attract individuals who already use yoga for pain management. And because yoga illuminates what’s weak and tight, YogaMedics therapy can identify individuals who need physical therapy.
Continuing Education for Your Staff
Becoming certified in YogaMedics therapy means access to continuing education and exclusive software.
Want to learn more about how YogaMedics can help your physical therapy clinic attract new clientele and generate more revenue? Click here.