What is YogaMedics Therapy?
YogaMedics is NOT traditional yoga therapy or recreational yoga.
YogaMedics therapy is a proven medical treatment that was developed by physicians, psychologists, scientists, and yoga instructors. Our treatment is specifically designed for physical rehabilitation and incorporates yoga fundamentals (breath work and yoga poses) in a medically oriented, data-driven, and results-based model.
While yoga therapy and recreational yoga have proven emotional, mental, and physical benefits, progress is unmeasurable, is subjective, and treatment can’t be adjusted to the individual. We have developed specialized software that allows medical professionals to objectively track and measure their patients’ strength, flexibility, balance; pain improvement; and overall physical and mental/emotional improvement. This tool aids in recognizing a wide range of modalities for many diagnoses and allows treatment to be adjusted and customized as needed.
As a team, our mission to heal and rehabilitate as many patients as possible by:
- Introducing them to the amazing benefits of YogaMedics therapy and,
- By training medical professionals how to use YogaMedics’ methods to rehabilitate their patients.
We are currently contracted with over 100 businesses, including the Detroit VA Hospital System and have helped countless soldiers heal from physical and psychological wounds. Over 4,000 veterans have successfully completed our individual yoga therapy program to date. We currently serve over 100 individual clients per week.
How Can My Physical Therapy Business Benefit by Partnering with YogaMedics?
YogaMedics therapy is not intended to replace your existing physical therapy business, nor is it intended to compromise physical therapy treatment that is already effective for your clients. YogaMedics therapy is an additional service that can be offered at your clinic to generate new sources of revenue and attract new patients.
The majority of people who are interested in YogaMedics therapy request that it be conducted by a medical professional for insurance purposes. We are aware of the complexities of billing physical therapy through insurance, and though each patient’s insurance policies differ, YogaMedics therapy performed in your physical therapy office can be billed as usual.
Learning our techniques or contracting with a YogaMedic (more information below), adds more dimension and depth to your practice. By combining physical rehabilitation with mental and emotional rehabilitation, your clinic can provide a unique type of physical therapy and stand out from other businesses. Investing in people instead of equipment will always produce better results.
Have YogaMedics’ Methods Been Proven to Work?
We collaborated with the Defense and Veterans Center for Integrated Pain Management (DVCIPM) on a study which tested the effectiveness of individualized YogaMedics therapy. The study was published in the Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Two groups of participants were studied for eight weeks: a control group, defined as individuals who received treatment-as-usual (medication, physical therapy, chiropractic care, acupuncture, etc.), and a group who underwent our program in addition to treatment-as-usual. Participants were then asked to report if they had reduced pain at various intervals during the treatment process. The results were clinically meaningful, revealing that participants who underwent YogaMedics program alongside treatment-as-usual reported significantly decreased pain levels:
You can read the study in its entirety here.
How Can My Physical Therapy Clinic Partner with YogaMedics?
There are three ways to partner with us:
A YogaMedic will Conduct Sessions at Your Clinic
You can contract with one of our trained experts, who will work with your patients while you (or another physical therapist) oversee the session. YogaMedics will agree to promote their services at your location, and you will bill insurance as normal.
Become a Certified YogaMedic or Take a Workshop
By taking our course to become a certified YogaMedic, you’ll always have a yoga therapy specialist in-house. Physical therapists who enroll in our program will have an exclusive license to YogaMedic’s software, which means continued education and constant access to a YogaMedic Professional. Group rates can be negotiated.
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Speak to a YogaMedic
We’re happy to answer any questions you might have We know our methods are complex, innovative, and new on the market, so we’d be thrilled to have a conversation with you. Let us speak with you and learn how we can help your physical therapy clinic grow. We offer free consultations to discuss your unique business needs, your business pain points, and how your partnership with YogaMedics can help.
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